Monday, December 24, 2007

Actual Christmas Eve

I just got back from the Christmas Eve gathering. I received Smallville seasons five and six on HD-DVD and O.C. season three on DVD (three of the nine things I asked for). I also received a $20 gift card for Wal-Mart. The dinner was prime rib and tasted wonderful. I took many, many pictures, but I'm not ready to upload any of them yet. I will try to by Thursday and with any luck I will have Christmas Day pictures to post along with them.

Tonight I'm starting the Everyman Sleeping Schedule. The setup that I'm going to be trying is a core sleep from 12AM to 3AM with three naps at 7AM, 12PM, and 6PM, each being 20 minutes long. Everything can change depending on how my body adjust to it except for the 12PM nap. That is there because it will be the only possible nap that will work with my class schedule for next semester. I still have to come up with some things to do when I wake up in order to convince myself that I need to stay up. I know that in the long run with school and all that I will really like to have this schedule, but right now my mind doesn't think so when I'm trying to wake up. I really need to get it down ASAP though because the adjustment period is longer than the Uberman Sleep Schedule, which was only around two weeks. This one is four or more weeks.

If anyone can think of some hobbies or activities to keep me occupied between 3AM and 7AM, leave a comment. Otherwise I'm out.

Happy Holidays to all that know me. Hope it's going as good as mine is this year. =)

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