Monday, January 7, 2008

Pre-Party Party

Last night was our pre-party, party. By that I mean we played Monopoly semi-drunk and just hung out with about half of the crew that will be here tonight. We won't be playing Monopoly tonight though and I will be video taping almost all of it and taking pictures of some of it. For anyone who knows people from Onamia and such, the people that were all here was Sam, Mike, both of their girlfriends, Jon, Stephan, Jordan, and myself.

There wasn't much else to say, just had to get this down. Mail hasn't come yet, it better have my battery though.

1 comment:

Quaal said...

Dude.. monopoly is awesome. And monopoly while drinking is even better haha. I have no idea who any of those people are but I'm excited for pics none the less. ^_^